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Safety Tips

Safety Guidelines & Park Rule

The following rules are set for the purpose of protecting our guests. Any violations of following rules interfere with the family-oriented environment and may result in serious injury to you and others. Failure to comply with these rules will subject to the offender(s) to removal from the park premises without a refund at the discretion of the park personnel.


  • No rush(walk with caution when the surface is wet)
  • No outside food or drink (except for unopened, sealed bottled water) may be brought/consumed in the park. All bags are subject to search. Refusal to bag search may result in non-admittance to the park. No coolers allowed. Exceptions are made for infants and those with special medical needs.
  • You may re-enter the park by having your hands stamped as you exit. For your safety, barbecues and alcohol are not permitted in the parking area and park premises. Picnic tables and shade pavilions are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • No glass containers allowed
  • No personal flotation devices may be brought into the park
  • Smoking is not allowed anywhere in the park with the exception of the designated smoking area.
  •  No pets allowed with the exception of a service animal. Service animals are not permitted in the water
  •  Please shower prior to enjoying our pools and attractions
  • No diving allowed at all pools
  •   All clothing must be appropriate for use at a family water amusement facility
  •  No thong swimwear and no visible undergarments
  • Guests may not display anything that contains obscene, foul, profane, pictures, symbols, phrases, etc
  •  No loitering, unruly behavior, profanity, and line cutting allowed
  • Holding a place in line is not permitted. If you leave the line for any reason, you will lose your position and will need to start at the end
  • No alcohol or illegal drugs may be brought onto the park property
  • Public intoxication, unlawful drug use, vandalism or any other violation of City, County, State, Federal or Park Rules will result in ejection from the park without refund and possible criminal prosecution
  • Know your own physical ability. Evaluate each slide in relation to your ability and determine if you should safely participate
  • Some attractions may be on a rotation basis and/or may be closed at any time, without notice at the discretion of park management
  • There are height restrictions on some of the attractions. Please see “Ride & Attractions” for details
  • Some rides may be turbulent and thrilling and should not be ridden if you are pregnant, have heart conditions or respiratory problems, have neck or back problems, have physical limitations, impairments, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  •  Some rides can be a strenuous activity requiring a high degree of physical control
  •  Minors (under 12) must be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian. The parent/guardian is solely responsible for the supervision of their minors. The park does not assume any responsibility or liability for unattended minor
  • It is the parent or guardian’s responsibility to watch your children. Your children should be in arm’s length from you and in constantly visible sight
  • Guest must obey all signs, instructions and park staff while participating on the rides using this facility
  • You, your family, any of your guests have assumed a certain level of liability and responsibility for your safety. As with all sports activities, there is an element of risk while participating in park rides and activities
  • By entering the park, you give Dhillon’s Fun World’s
  • permission to photograph or videotape you, your family and your guests. Dhillon’s Fun World’s
  • may use the resulting photograph or videotape for any purpose and without compensation to you
  • Scalping or reselling of tickets on park premises is strictly prohibited Dhillon’s Fun World’s
    • shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to vehicles, accessories, or the contents there of caused by fire, theft, collision, water or other causes

    • Admission to the park allows you to use the park during regular park hours which may be subject to change without prior notice to you.

    The Holder

    • Assumes all risk of personal injury and loss of property.
    • Irrevocably releases the owners and operators of the Park from any liability for death, personal injury, property loss or damage arising from any cause whatsoever (including negligence of staff) to the fullest extent permitted by law.
    • Agrees to comply with park security screening procedures including bag checks, other goods and locker checks (upon requests).
    • Grants the Park permission to use his/her photograph or video image in advertising and other promotions without payment.
    •  Agrees not to use any photographs taken by them for a commercial purpose

    Due to safety requirements height, physical and weight restrictions apply on some rides. Prices and operating schedule subject to change without notice.

    Water Park Safety Tips

    These are basic water park safety tips to make your experience near the water safer.
    • Learn to swim. The best thing anyone can do to stay safe in and around the water is to learn to swim.
    • Always swim with a buddy, never swim alone.
    •  Be sure the area is well supervised by lifeguards before you or others in your group enter the water.
    •  Read all posted signs. Follow the rules and directions given by lifeguards. Ask questions if you are not sure about the correct procedure.
    • When you go from one attraction to another, note that the water depth may be different and that the attraction should be used in a different way.
    • Before you start down a water slide, get in the correct position—face up and feet first.
    • We do not provide life jackets. If you cannot swim, wear a Coast Guard-approved life jacket. Check others in your group as well.

    Thank you for your cooperation. Have a safe and enjoyable day!

    Your Admission Ticket


    • Entitles holder to one-day admission to Dhillon’s Fun World’s (the Park) which includes use of all rides and attractions in operation on the day of use. Fees for food, beverage, locker rental, rental, merchandise, pay for play attractions, games and other in-park services are not included;
    • Is non-replaceable if lost or stolen, non-exchangeable, not redeemable for cash, and non-refundable for any reason including the closure of the park or a ride due to inclement weather.
    • Excludes special concerts, events, pay-per-ride attractions, park buy-out, cancellation days and days not operable due to weather.
    • May be revoked and the holder ejected from the Park without refund if misused or the holder violates the Park’s policies, ride instructions, rules or regulations.
    • Any difference in the height of children for on online ticket booking, if found above 4 ft at the time of admission customer, has to pay additional charges

    If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us.